Powerpuff Girls Wiki
Fumika Himonya
Name: Fumika Himonya
Gender: Female
Age: 13
First appearance: Gigi the Great
Last appearance: The Girls' Final Battle

Fumika Himonya (Japanese: 碑文谷 文佳 Himonya Fumika), Mandy in the English dub, is one of Himeko's best friends and a classmate of MiyakoKaoru, and Momoko. She studies at Tokyo City Academy. She is voiced by Saki Yasuda in the Japanese version and by Chantal Strand in the English Dub.


Gigi the Great[]

Along with Hanayo, they first appear in Gigi the Great, after seeing Himeko's hair, they disliked Himeko's hair when it was butchered by Gigi, Fumika says it looks like a christmas tree, without Himeko noticing, but her and Fumika know that Gigi's not a great stylist, which causes them both to be embarrased, and they did not answer Himeko's question, and they continue the conversation without a word.

Sleepless in New Townsville[]

Himeko shows Fumika and Hanayo her new invention, it is a caring kit for felines (cats), and Fumika and Hanayo say it is cool. And during recess, Princess invites them to a lunch, this time, it is different, it is a bento picnic.

Two Burger Bots and a side of fries[]

At one flashback about what Kaoru mentioned, Fumika and the other girls were traumatized when Sakamoto shows them a toy spider, and on another scenario, she can be seen behind Sakamoto.

Enter the Entourage[]

Fumika and her friend Hanayo are always supporting Himeko whatever she doing just like how she dresses as elegant to go to school. After seeing the Powerpuff Girls her view on Himeko were changed and they become arts enemy. Whom she never talked to Himeko anymore where later on the party were Him black aura possess both Fumika and Hanayo just so they can unite each other as a villain. Even as a villain they always support each other. Until the end of the episode were they are affecting Buttercup's attack. They will always be a true friend.

The Final Battle[]

She is seen in the crowd cheering the Powerpuff girls Z.


She and Hanayo follow Himeko everywhere by supporting her clothes and giving her encouragement.


She mostly wears a lavender shirt with loose sleeves, a light-yellow skirt with light purple socks and white boots.

Episode Appearances[]



