All Ken Wants for Christmas is the twenty-sixth episode of the anime Powerpuff Girls Z. It aired on Cartoon Network Japan on December 23rd, 2006.
It's Christmas time, and everyone is happy... except for Ken.
Part I[]
We see Ken was in his way home when suddenly he remembers his happy moment with his family to a stranger people. Back to the laboratory, the girls encourage Ken to write a letter for Santa, but Ken keep denied that Santa doesn't exist with a proof of science. Every time they remember Ken being sad, they decided to keep going to encourage Ken again to write a letter. In the other scene, Mojo was in Santa clothes who he distributes a thing for people, but the people keep denied it, until one kid approach him to take picture, but he sneezes that why the cover of Mojo is being notice, and the kid cry because Mojo is not the real Santa Claus.
Part II[]
The reason is being show in this scene where the real reason is that he doesn't see his mom for a moment of time. And in Mojo hideout, we see here he prepare to capture any Santa Claus include Mayor who pretend to be Santa. Lucky, Miss Bellum contact the laboratory for an emergency that Mojo capture all the Santa include Mayor. So, the girls do is transform and defeat Mojo with ease. And after the battle the Powerpuff Girls suggest if they helped them distribute the gifts in no time, they can go to Ken to make his wish come true.
Major Roles[]
- Powerpuff Girls Z
- Ken Utonium
- Drake Utonium
- Mrs. Utonium
- Mojo Jojo
- Santa Claus
Minor Roles[]
- Poochi
- The Mayor of New Townsville
- Ms. Bellum
- Kuriko Akatsutsumi
- Kiyoko Gotokuji
- Tokio Matsubara
- Dasher
- Johnny Cosmo (As a Toy)
- This is the second Christmas special of the series.
- It's revealed that Ken has a mother, but she's never present, because she works as an astronaut, and she's on an extra-long mission in outer space.
- In the previous episode, "Flower Power", Christmas was coming soon. In this episode, does Christmas happens.
Cultural References[]
- Instrumental versions of Jingle Bell Rock and Last King Christmas play.